Thursday, July 10, 2008

Grand Canyon

We made a short visit to the Grand Canyon last week while Jason's mom was visiting. It truly is breathtaking. Jason and I hope to go back and hike a trail through the Canyon. They say you truly don't understand the vastness of it until you're inside looking up.

Jason and Levi on a tram we took to see different views of the Canyon. Levi, of course, has to be just like his daddy! :)
We took this on the way home. I'd say he was "tuckered" out! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey!!! It's Anna!!! I've always wanted to see the Grand Canyon. It's on my list of the gazillion places I need to see in my life. Samuel got his hair cut short. It's shocking. It's a ton different. We really miss you guys! I pray for you all the time. Luv ya lots!!!

Luv Always XOXO!,

Say hi to Levi for me! :)