Thursday, July 31, 2008

Levi has a new bike!

Levi on his new bike (above) and his little bike (below). He's been practicing on his new one but it's slow coming. He gets tired easily so then he rides his little one where he doesn't have to pedal. We know he's only two, but he's so tall that he fits the bigger one. However, the coordination is still working itself out, but he enjoys it and even likes wearing his helmet. We'll see how long that lasts!


Anonymous said...

Oh, come on! Toooooo cute!!

Jarretts said...

Jackson is starting to get the hang of pedaling. He gets frustrated sometimes and wants to ride the one without pedals too. So the other day, I hid the scooter bike so he had to work at pedaling. It seems to be working so far. . . he loves to wear his helmet too . . . of course, it helps that he saw Elmo wearing his on Sesame Street the other day : )