Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Levi

We had a great time hosting Levi's 3rd birthday party at the house. We were supposed to go to the park which is just a block away, but the wind was atrocious
and so we just opted to play at the house

instead. It was a Hot Wheels theme and I had fun making a race track cake with candy bar cars and all. We feel very blessed to already have so many people who love us and enjoyed having so many of them join us to help us celebrate Levi's birthday. The Thomas train he's playing with is his very first and he loves it! Hope you enjoy the pictures! He's so big!!!!


Wendy said...

The Cake is fabulous! Good job, it looks like a fun time.

Jarretts said...

Happy Birthday Levi! The cake was cute and looks like you had a great time! Hard to believe our baby boys are 3 already : )

Gretchen Magruder said...

Oh my goodness....I can't believe he's 3 years old!! Remember those early days sitting in our backyard with the stroller?!

We sure do miss your family!!