Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The World of Potty Training

Okay, so today is day 10 of the potty training saga. The very first thing I have to say is that I'm so tired of getting peed on!!! You know how boys are and mostly Levi is doing fantastic. It's just that our toilet seats have a gap between the seat and the base so most of the time he just pees right between them which of course gets me or the floor/wall all wet. Yuck! He's doing okay with the #2 side of things, although the first day he actually went on the kitchen floor (because we were letting him run around naked to make it easier) and Jason wretched and left the room. Thanks a lot, I said! So there me and Levi are cleaning up his poop. Even Levi said it was gross and of course I said, "that's why you go in the potty and not in the floor!" To be honest, it's hard to stay positive and encouraging for him. At this point, the last thing I want to do is be in the bathroom, but there we are every thirty minutes or so. My parents have been visiting this week, so mom is helping me out and I couldn't thank her enough! I'm getting a little bit of a break anyway. Most often, they are laughing at me because I'm saying things like "You are responsible for what comes out of your body, Levi, and you can't pee on me and all over the bathroom! It's yucky!"........ LOL......... Think happy thoughts for me..............

1 comment:

Jarretts said...

Oh, Kelli, you crack me up! Bless your heart :) Potty training is one of those necessary evils! It wasn't fun, but it gets better I promise. Hope things go better for you very soon.